Just a Thought

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I've lost my Gall!!!

Bladder that is! Sorry had to have a little fun with it. I have had issues with it for years and a little over a week ago had a really good attack that put me in the emergency room. Well explaining what was going on to 2 four year olds was an adventure, but I think they got it. We were in the drive thru at McDonald's before my surgery and was ordering the kids lunch and just me a drink, trying to explain to Skyler why mommy couldn't have any food. So when we get to the window to pick up the food, Skyler tells the lady, don't give my mommy any food only a drink! I almost died laughing!! So this last wednesday I had surgery to have it removed. I cannot say I am sad to see it go. I am recovering and hope to be completely back to normal within a few days. It was a fairly easy procedure that only took an hour. It left me with 4 little incisions that hurt pretty good, but that is better than a major surgery. I was even home the same day as the surgery.
For other news I am no longer selling at The Digi Shoppe. It got closed and we were sad to see that happen but I did manage to get picked up at one of my dream stores,
Scrapbook Bytes!!! So you can find my digi goodies there and still at Elemental Scraps. Oh and I am no longer selling at Plain Digital Wrapper. It was just time for me to move on. I've added many new and fun things to the store since some of my posts here on the blog, I will try to catch up with all of the goodies. I also have a new Christmas kit coming out tomorrow at Scrapbook Bytes and I have 3 others in the works and 6 or 7 color schemes for more!! Yes it is my favorite time of the year. Oh ya almost forgot to mention I am making fonts now!! Anyhow enjoy the new digi goodies and if you like something please leave a comment. LOL! *Note to self, quit waiting so long to update blog with products so you don't have an incredibly long line of photos to add!!


Neverland Scraps said...

Wow lady, you've been busy!! I can't believe all the beautiful things that you've come out with these days---just amazing is your talent!

Im so sorry to hear about your gallbladder. I had that done when I had my yougest, except I was in the hospital for a week due to complications. So Im very jealous of the ease of your proceedure :P

Its nice to see you back, sad to see you are gone from PDW. But glad to see you around!

absolutartist1 said...

Wow! Oh so many yummy things!! I really wish I knew how to design fonts 'cause I LOVE'em so much! Hee-hee! I have 668 installed on my pc atm, and cds of over 35,000 more! Slight addiction wouldn't you say...

Congrats on gaining a store you love!