Just a Thought

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Eating is no fun!!!

So my youngest thinks he needs to live off of candy. We have mini-meltdowns most nights now when it comes to dinner time. This particular night he went in the bathroom and we could hear him muttering and hitting things. So I broke out the camera and I give you Eating is No Fun. Sorry it was just too funny not to get on film. LOL!!


arah said...

hey Melissa,
there are a few blogs I follow that help with saving money on groceries.
I also went out with a friend that does this too. it helped e ton to see someone do it and explain it in person.

hope that helps some.
it does take some time to get started.

Unknown said...

that is to funny! My kid does the exact same thing!

Hugbuggal said...

ROFL - what a cutie - love the clothes basket on his head and how he tried to hide in his pants! What a fun slice of life to capture on tape - TFS! :0)

Lisa said...

Baaahaaaa....that was too funny! I'm so glad he was wearing his underware and then to have Kathy say "you're not a puppy"....funnnnnnnyyyyy! You are a big bully for capturing this moment! LOL