My poor neglected blog. A funny little thing called facebook came along in to my life and I neglected my poor little blog. I just realized how long it has been since I have posted on my blog and how sad am I??? Let's see if I can do the cliff notes version with some pics. We went to Charleston, South Carolina last December to go house hunting. We found our house on day 2 and put in a offer. They accepted and we were on our way to home ownership again. We spent the rest of our days checking out the local sites. In January we made the move from Maryland to South Carolina. We enjoyed some nice weather including being able to go to the beach in February on a day that hit 70 degrees! Then one week later their once in a 20 year freak snow storm hit here and we got 5 inches of snow. It melted in a few hours but it was cool to see the snow on the palm trees. We finally closed on our house in April and started some fun tasks of re-painting some rooms. In June my mom and nephew came down to visit for the summer and we took the kiddos to Disney World. Wow, what an adventure that was. Lots to do and no rest, so not a good vacation for relaxing. Fun was had by all though. In August I had the honor to fly to Texas to photograph Vanessa and JR's wedding. I was so glad to be able to be there for her big day. In September I registered to start school at The Art Institute of Charleston to get my Bachelors degree in Graphic Design. It is now mid term and I have 2 A-'s and 2 A's. So not too shabby for the girl who almost didn't graduate high school. LOL!! Oh ya, Walter put on the rank of Master Sergeant in February and I am so proud of him and his accomplishments with his career. Whew, okay, I think that is the quick update version. If I remember more, I will post more later. Now for the pics!!
We are the Bennett Family. We live on the East Coast thanks to the Air Force. We have been married 21 years and 3 children we were blessed to be able to adopt after struggling with infertility for many years.I am a digital scrapbook designer and sell my products at Sweet Shoppe Designs and Sugar Hill Co.